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Status of aquiring combat glasses


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I have joined the reserves, and am about to go for my BMQ and SQ courses in a month together through a CO-OP program offered to highschool students here. I wear glasses and am faced with the problem of wearing my civi glasses on coarse or my contacts.

I figure that in the field (on an FTX) i won't be able to clean my eyes regularly, so contacts would be out. If I break my civi glasses, then I won't be able to see for the rest of the FTX, or whatever I may be doing.

So, I was wondering what people here thought about the chances of me getting issued combat glasses for my courses. They'd be more durable, and I'd eventually need them anyways. I've already inquired about it and my CO told me he'd look into it for me.

Thanks for your input.
IIRC, Reserves are not entitled to combat glasses.
There might be entitlement if you are Class B (over a certain number of days) or Class C.  As for going on a Reserve BMQ, I think you are out of luck.
So would anybody have any siggestions for me oncoarse? On contacts? On civi glasses? Glases over contacts or vise-versa? Anything really relating to this. Thanks.
However, if your glasses do break while on course, the government will pick up the tab for a new pair.

Do yourself a favour and don't wear contacts while on ex.  If you get some crap in your eyes it'll suck with the contacts in there and when you go to rub it out, it may fall out.  Also, I don't know about you, but the family and friends that I have that wear them, usually don't like wearing them for more than 15-16 hours a day, at a time, and you can bet that you're going to be awake way more than that while on ex.  When wearing your glasses get one of those black athletic head bands to keep them secure, believe me, you'll be glad you bought it.  Even some paracord will do the job, you'll look like an idiot, but at least you won't lose your glasses when jumping into your trench or while doing your section attack drills.  I'm not sure, but if you could get those Oakley Wiley X goggles with prescription lenses would be awesome.  If you can, just ask your DS about them, and I'm sure they'll understand. 
just looked, you can get the insert for the googles, but im sure your optomitrist can fit prescription lenses in the google without the need for an insert.  they do it for sunglasses, just would get it down without the shading.
Short answer, no, except if on full time call out or deployment.

Check the last post on this thread:


Contacts are good if you are only out for the day, but if you are on a multi day ex, stick to your glasses. Having them on prvodies you with essential eye protection contacts cannot provide.

M advice is for you to go with some of your hard earned reserve dollars and by a good pair of solid black or brown metal frames with the spring loaded ear pieces to be worn only when your in uniform. Save your other glasses for daily wear.

Besides, the CF does not compersate for contacts.
far as CF regulations go, i don't think your even 'allowed' to wear your contacts in the field, for the same reasons mentioned above..

how bad is your vision without your glasses? you could get a very durable carrying case and simply not wear them most of the time.. i mean the times i can see them really getting messed up are section attacks, and stand to's. and 90% of stand to's, you'll actually be asleep for. then you grab your boots and rifle and webbing and helmet and gasmask (i often hoped they'd gas me, much warmer in my mask) and you won't have time for glasses until your in your trench already.... long as your not blind, you should be able to stumble from your hooch to your trench, and that's where alotta guys lost thiers when i was on course.. s*** hit the fan, and everything is a scramble and things get broken/lost..
I always got "good luck" any time I asked about being issued these. never even seen them issued. I do have a pair I bought off of uscav.com ask ghostwalk, he's seen em, they're the lady killers :D they work with the gask mask (main reason why I bought them, but I doubt they'll ever see any use ya know?)
I really need another pair of glasses in case these ones break.
Yeoman, are you talking about the glasses with the thick black plastic frames, the birth-control glasses? Do they work with the gas-mask?

As I've seen the glasses that are issued for use with the gas mask... they've got somthing along the lines of a silicone strap that goes from the glasses portion, to two hooks that go around your ears... weirdest looking glasses I've ever seen, but I guess if they do the job...
Just a Sig Op said:
Yeoman, are you talking about the glasses with the thick black plastic frames, the birth-control glasses? Do they work with the gas-mask?

As I've seen the glasses that are issued for use with the gas mask... they've got somthing like the lines of a silicone strap that goes from the glasses portion, to two hooks that go around your ears... weirdest looking glasses I've ever seen, but I guess if they do the job...

yup those are the ones. I wore them while jumping, haven't used them in a gas hut yet (maybe this year I will wear them). although I know they do fit quite comfortably under the gas mask. druing the 03 stalwart guardian, I wore them for the entire ex. other then my nose getting all stiff and sore (who knew that could happen?!?) by day 5 they were pretty good. although I was the ugliest looking kid out there. I stuck out so bad. the birth control glasses, the old LBV on, no gas mask carrier (to this day I'll still argue it wasn't on the kitlist sheet that everyone recieved), non-issued combat boots (hey I had a chit), and a jump ruck on my back. that was a fun week.
Reference the gas mask, does it actually seal with the glasses under it? As you've really piqued my curiosity here... I just tried my own mask on over my own glasses (A rather nice light pair of wire frames, actually, a surprisngly durable pair compared to pairs I've owned in the past), and surprisingly enough it fits, but it won't quite seal, but it *almost* seals... more then sufficient for CS gas, but I wouldn't want to trust it in anything else...
Well, I'm pretty sure you're going to wants a tight seal no matter what gas it is...CS or not...I know I'd rather do without any CS aswell as any other gas...although CS gas isn't as bad as it could be so I see your point.
I'll tell you the next time I'm at the gas hut how they work out. they have a very tight fit while wearing them with the gas mask. I've felt the horrible pain of CS enough to do it one more time why not. take one for the team to see if something works
I have had nothing but bad luck with those glasses, when i go to the gashut i usually put my glasses in my locker, i could never get a seal with them. maybe its just me, wasnt there suppose to be perscription gasmasks? i thought i heard it somewhere....
My suggestion, as someone who wears glasses.  Get a pair of flex frames for the field.  The lenses aren't usually what breaks in the field, so the flex frames are your best choice.  As you probably know, you can get shatter resistant and plastic lenses for most glasses any how.
By the way, Cbt glasses (wire framed "birth control", "gas mask" glasses) as we know them are not issued anymore.

They have been replaced by a friction fit frame that sits inside your gasmask. These new specs are much better as they have no ear piece which may break the seal. Bonus is they take standard scratch resistant plastic lenses, and RSDL does not damage them.

The next new thing for Rx eyewear in the CF is the Ballistic glasses. They still don't have a manufacturer to make the lenses to Rx for individuals.

Bad thing is (I am unsure about this) they are only issued to all Reg CF and only to Res who are deploying, not to everyone
well hopefully the get a company to get the perscripitions going for the combat glasses, but for now I'll stick with my adidas I'm waiting for :D I doubt they'd ever tell, but it would be nice to at least look somewhat the same. I already stick out enough as it is.